Nexx360 launches AdImpact: a chrome extension for Header Bidding bandwidth analysis

Nexx360 launches AdImpact: a chrome extension for Header Bidding bandwidth analysis Reading time : 4 minutes Nexx360, the cloud-based programmatic solution, announces the launch of AdImpact, a Chrome extension available for free. AdImpact provides publishers with various metrics related to header bidding, including the SSPs called, the requests made, and the identified bandwidth passing through […]
Nexx360 Launches Europe’s First Programmatic Cloud

Nexx360 Launches Europe’s First Programmatic Cloud Reading time : 5 minutes Nexx360 introduces its European Programmatic Cloud, revolutionizing the landscape of digital advertising. This Auction House empowers programmatic players to overcome traditional header bidding obstacles, maximizing yield without compromising webpage loading speeds while reducing their carbon footprint. Several renowned European media brands are already benefiting […]