A programmatic solution combining agility, autonomy, and partner integration ease

Reading time : 3 minutes

To get the most out of header bidding, publishers connect to various SSPs with the aim of selling their inventory at the best price. However, integrating these dozens of partners into their wrapper can be challenging. Depending on the chosen solution – proprietary or open-source wrapper – publishers may face limitations due to tool inflexibility or excessive time demands on their teams. Nexx360, a server-side programmatic solution, offers the best of both worlds: transparency, implementation autonomy, local dedicated team support, and customized features.

Proprietary or Open-Source Solution?

When opting for a provider’s proprietary technology to manage programmatic partner configurations, publishers gain a relatively easy-to-implement tool, customer support, and optimization features. However, adding certain partners, especially specialized or local ones, may require the provider’s intervention, creating a level of dependence on the chosen solution. If the publisher opts for an open-source wrapper, they have more autonomy to control their stack and define marketing rules. However, they must rely on significant internal technical resources. These teams are often overstretched, impacting their ability to respond to needs quickly. In this configuration, adopting a test and learn approach, which requires high responsiveness, becomes complex.

Nexx360: autonomy, customization, and effective customer service

Nexx360’s client can transparently track all elements constituting their advertising ecosystem and gradually reclaim their value chain. In order to do so, Nexx360 provides its clients with a dashboard with real-time tracking by sites, browsers, partners, countries, channels, etc.

Once Nexx360’s ultra-light adapter is implemented within the wrapper, clients have great freedom to choose new business partners, including less common and more local ones. The connection to these new partners is done autonomously on this console: just click on the provider’s name and add the identifier indicated in the contract. Activation is quick thanks to pre-configured connectors. The simple and intuitive use of the Nexx360 console makes it accessible to all types of profiles, even those less technical.

“We rapidly accelerated the integration of new partners over a relatively short period: we had 6/7 partners a few months ago, and we’ve increased to over twenty in a year. Nexx360 allows me to add and test partners very easily and without risks.”  

Florian Poulain, Head of Digital Revenue and Monetization, Groupe Sud Ouest

Nexx360’s solution continues to evolve and offer new features based on technological advancements, requests, and the needs of its clients. In case of need, Nexx360’s clients can rely on the close support of its team, committed to responding within 24 hours and engaging in daily communication via Slack.


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